Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 29, 2020  2:02pm

I am honestly so pissed off right now. My friends' radio station is being attacked by a bunch of boomer producers on Reddit. They took the terms of service completely out of context. They're not "stealing" shit, they're promoting it. People on the internet can be so fucking stupid and so desperate for attention that they attack small businesses for the hell of it. What a fucking world we live in, huh? Other than that, my morning was great :)))). BUT IM STILL FUCKING PISSED. People are also complaining about the name?? Like, it's a badass edgy name, leave them fucking be. To all the Redditors that find this and are triggered, go tend to your granddaughter, she just choked on a lollipop you bought her 4 years ago.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

I'm so scattered

April 28, 2020  11:49am

Well, here I am writing another stupid blog. I just woke up and honestly, I'm dying to go back to sleep again. I've got so much damn homework to do, but I just don't feel like doing any of it. Honestly, this distance learning shit is getting on my nerves. It is not easier and not convenient at all. I feel relaxed at home and I would much rather let it stay that way. Anyways, I had eggs for breakfast and then a side of yelling from my mom to take my dirty dishes out of my room. Yeah, I admit it's a problem, but I'm going to somehow find the motivation to organize and clean my room this year. (Notice how I didn't say quarantine). Speaking of which, "quarantine" has been a normal word these past few weeks. Before, I'd only hear it in shows like Stranger Things or some shit, but now, I'm living in it! Crazy huh? I know I go off-topic a lot, but I'm just spitting out all of my thoughts onto a screen. I mean, I could always do that with a black screen on Snapchat with Nirvana in the background, but I figured that this was more formal. I should probably start my homework and cleaning my room. Even though I say that all the time, I sure as shit won't do it lol. So yeah, this is goodbye for now. Might write another little blog entry later in the day. Adios people.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Here we go again

April 27, 2020  3:47pm

Well, here I am. I'm starting this new blog. It's going to be a sort of open diary if you will. I will be documenting everything about my life here for your entertainment. Fun right? Anyways, I'm supposed to be doing my distance learning homework, but I'm writing this instead. I'm kind of unsettled because I made amends with an ex-boyfriend of mine today. I should feel happy, but I just feel nervous. I'm sure it'll go away pretty soon. So I've decided that I will begin my homework and then work on some music. Ciao.

So what now?

September 8, 2024 | 2:33PM As I am writing this I am taking one of the worst turds of my life. I have more to say on this but I will refrain...